Within Teamwork CRM, you can view and restore deleted items via the trash can.

The trash can will display any deleted lead, opportunity, activity, file, note, contact, company, or product for 30 days before permanently removing the item.

  • Standard users can only view and restore items they own or have deleted in the timeframe.
  • Administrators can view and restore items deleted by any user in the timeframe.

Click your profile icon in the top right of your site and select Trash can from the dropdown menu.

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The trash can will display a timeline view of deleted items in reverse chronological order with the most recently deleted item(s) shown first. Items will be grouped by the date they were deleted.
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Each item has a Restore option on the right which will remove it from the trash can immediately and return it to its previous location on your site.

  • When a parent item such as a lead is deleted, any corresponding child items (activity, notes, files etc.) are deleted with it. They will also be restored automatically if the parent item is restored.
  • In situations where a child item is deleted separately and then its associated parent item is deleted, only the parent item will be visible in the trash can. If the parent item is restored, the deleted child item will then appear in the trash can and can be restored independently.
    • For example, if you delete an activity and then delete its associated lead, only the lead will be visible in the trash can. The activity will only become visible in the trash can if the lead is restored as there is otherwise nowhere for the activity to be restored.
    • Child-parent relationships:
      • Activity - lead or opportunity
      • Note - lead, opportunity, contact, or company
      • File - lead, opportunity, contact, or company
  • Connected items such as deals and contacts or contacts and companies can exist without one another so can be deleted independently. Previous connections should be re-established once one of the items is restored.


Using the filters button in the top right, you can open the advanced filter options and refine the list of results in the trash can based on a specific item type.

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Deal rotting

Rotting status can exist regardless of location. Therefore, the rotting period for a lead or opportunity will continue while the deal remains in the trash can. For example, if a deal is already rotting for 3 days when it is deleted and then is restored 5 days after being deleted, the rotting period will then be 8 days.

Stage duration

Stages and the trash can are considered different locations. Since leads and opportunities cannot exist in two locations at one time, stage duration will remain unchanged while deals are in the trash can. For example, a deal that has been in a Negotiation stage for 2 days is deleted then restored 1 day later. Once restored, the duration remains at 2 days.

For more information, see: Editing a Lead