Within Teamwork CRM, users can be synced from your Teamwork.com site.

If you set up Teamwork CRM through an existing Teamwork.com account, those Teamwork.com users and collaborators are automatically synced to your CRM site.

By default, the user enabling Teamwork CRM, plus all Teamwork.com administrators, are the only accounts enabled as active users on your CRM site.

View auto-synced users

🔑 Site admins can manage Teamwork CRM's users.

  1. Select your profile icon in Teamwork CRM's main menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select Users from the left navigation menu.

Any users already synced from the associated Teamwork.com are listed under the Teamwork CRM users tab

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Teamwork.com users not yet added to Teamwork CRM are listed under the Other Teamwork users tab You can add a user from this list by clicking Add to Teamwork CRM on the user's right.

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Remove a user from Teamwork CRM

  1. Select your profile icon in Teamwork CRM's main menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select Users from the left navigation menu.
  4. Select the Teamwork CRM users tab.
  5. Scroll to the relevant user.
  6. Click the ellipsis (vertical dots) on the user's right.
  7. Select Remove from Teamwork CRM.

  8. Select a user to transfer the person's items to.

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  9. Click Transfer and remove.

The user is removed from Teamwork CRM. They are listed under Other Teamwork Users where you can add them to Teamwork CRM again, if needed.

For more information, see: Adding a User to Your Site