Within Teamwork CRM, you can import deals
into your site via CSV and need to follow the
format of the sample file
Click your profile icon in the top right of
your site and select Settings from the
dropdown menu.

In the Settings area, select the Import option in the left pane.

Note: Before importing,
all pipelines,
stages and users referenced
in your import file must be added to Teamwork
CRM first.
Click the Import button to the
right to get started with importing your

On the import page, you will have an option
at the top to download the sample CSV file so
you can see the column format that is

To start your import, you can either drag the
file into the import area or use the Select
from computer option to browse
for the file.

Once you have added the file, click the Import button in the bottom right
of the screen.
Import format
- Dates
in your import file must be
in YYYY-MM-DD layout and text
format. During the import these
will automatically be converted to
date format.
- Comma
- When Excel opens a .csv file, it uses
the current default data format
settings to interpret how to import
each column of data.
- In order for the import to work, you
will need to make sure that the
selected separator/delimiter option
is comma.
- In Excel, this can be changed via the text import
wizard. If you are opening a
.txt file, the wizard will launch
automatically. If you are using a .csv
file, go to the Data tab and
under Get & Transform
Data, click From

- Special characters
- When using Excel to convert your import to CSV, your file type must be saved as CSV UTF-8 (comma Delimited). This can be selected from Save as type.

The import will run in the background, so you
can continue working on your site.
Any duplicate contacts and companies found
during the import will be merged to the
existing ones on your site.
You can view a history of all previous
imports to your site in the History tab.

For more information, see: Viewing Import History