Within Teamwork CRM, you can receive bell notification updates for items you are following.

In the upper right corner of your navigation bar, you will see a notification bell which is accessible from every area of your site.

When you have unread notifications, it will show with the number of unread notifications in a red badge.

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Click the notification bell to open the dropdown list. The notifications will be grouped by date, with each showing the user making the change, the type of change, and a link to the associated deal. Any unread notifications will be highlighted with a blue unread indicator on the right.

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Clicking an individual notification in the list will navigate you directly to the related deal. Once selected, the notification will be marked as read.

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You can also click the blue indicator to mark an individual notification as read.

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To mark all notifications as read at once, click the options button (three dots) in the top right of the notification dropdown and select Mark all as read.

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Note: You can also choose whether to receive corresponding email notifications for your updates via your profile preferences.

For more information, see: Following Items