Within Teamwork CRM, you can interact with existing emails from your connected email account.

Once you have connected your email account, your emails will automatically be populated in the Mail area.

The emails shown in Teamwork CRM will reflect their state in your original email client. For example, if an email is marked read in the client, it will also show as read in Teamwork CRM.


Clicking an individual email open it along with any corresponding replies. On the left you will see any existing replies along with options to reply or reply to all.

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You can mark the email as unread by clicking the mail icon at the top of the email.

Click the trash can icon to delete the message. You will be shown a confirmation message before deleting.

To reply to an email, you can click the reply arrow at the top of the message area.

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You can also use the Reply button at the bottom of the email, or Reply to all if the email includes multiple recipients.

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For emails with more than one reply, you can collapse and expand the email using the icon in the top right of the message area.

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Customer details

The associated customer details will be displayed to the right of the email, including the contact's name, email, and number of open leads and opportunities.

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If the contact does not already exist in your Teamwork CRM site, you will be given the option to create a new contact or connect to an existing one.

Connected deals

Below the contact information, you can connect the email to new or existing leads and opportunities.

Below the Deals section, you will see suggested deals if the contact is connected to any leads or opportunities. A maximum of three suggestions will be shown.

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If the contact already has any connected deals, these will be listed in the Deals section. To attach new deals, click the link icon in the top right.

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Note: If a connected deal is deleted, the email will remain but the link to the deal will be removed.

For each individual linked deal, click the options button (three dots) to access options for disconnecting the deal or creating activity.

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If a contact associated with an email is deleted, the reference to the contact will be removed from the email and the email replies will display as "unknown sender/recipient."

Viewing emails in a deal timeline

Once a deal has been linked to an email, each reply in the email will appear as activity entries in the deal timeline.

For more information, see: Working with the Mail Area