Within Teamwork Chat, you can access your account on the web in a few different ways.

Teamwork product switcher

When using the web browser version of any Teamwork product, as long as Teamwork Chat is enabled on your site, you can access Chat through our product switcher. 

The product switcher is found in each product in the top right hand corner of the navigation bar. Click the Chat icon to open Teamwork Chat in a new browser tab. 

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Email notifications

When you receive an email notification from Teamwork Chat, you will see either an Open Conversation or Open Channel link in the email.

Clicking this link will open that conversation/channel in your browser.

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Direct URL

If your Teamwork address is https://x.teamwork.com, for example, then Teamwork Chat can be accessed by going to https://x.teamwork.com/chat.

For more information see: Using Conversations and Channels