✔ Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1

Within Teamwork.com, you can quickly add unplanned tasks to the Workload Planner view.

Select the More option from the main navigation menu on the left of your site and choose Planning from the pop-out menu. In the Planning area, go to the Workload tab.

Note: Client users and collaborators cannot access the Workload Planner.

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Click the Unplanned Tasks option in the top right of the Workload Planner to open a slide out tray of active unplanned tasks.

Tasks shown in the Unplanned Tasks tray have not yet been added to the Workload Planner and have none or some of the following attributes set: assignee, due date, estimated time.

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Click and drag a task from the backlog and drop it on a date cell in the relevant user's row in the list.

Note: Tasks can only be assigned to current members of the associated project.

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Once added for the user, a pop-up will open where you can update the task duration and estimated time. Click Save to apply the task to the Workload Planner.

Note: Estimated time and a minimum 1 day duration are required in order to save an unplanned task to the Workload Planner. If the task already had estimated time set, this will be applied by default.

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If a task in the Unplanned Tasks backlog already has an assignee set and you drag and drop the task to a different user in the Workload Planner, the existing assignee(s) will be replaced with the new user.

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If a task in the Unplanned Tasks backlog already has start and due dates set, the start date will update to the date where you drop the task in the Workload Planner and the duration between the dates be set as the default duration.

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Unplanned tasks with only a due date set will inherit a start date of the date where you drop the task in the Workload Planner and the due date will be updated to the same date.

Sorting unplanned tasks

By default, tasks in the Unplanned Tasks tray will be grouped by project and associated task list. When this sort preference is active, you can collapse and expand individual task lists.

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Select the sort option in the top right of the Unplanned Tasks tray to change your sort preference. Sorting options include project, start date, due date, and estimated time.

You can also toggle between ascending and descending order for the current sort preference by clicking the asc/desc option.

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Using the search field at the top of the list, you can locate unplanned tasks based on task or task list name.

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You can further refine the Unplanned Tasks tray using the advanced filtering. Click the filters icon in the top right to open the filter options.

Filters can be applied based on task assignee, tags, associated project, or company.

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For more information, see: Using the Workload Planner
1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Premium, Enterprise.