Within Teamwork.com, you can update your profile preferences from people section of your site. You can also set preferences for other users on your site.

To update your own preferences, click your profile icon in the bottom left corner of your site and select Edit my details from the pop-out menu.

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In the user details modal, go to the Preferences tab.

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Notifications & emails

  • Enable desktop alerts for important notifications? - This will push notifications to your desktop which will notify you of project actions even when not viewing projects.
  • Receive task/milestone completed emails - When a task or milestone is completed on the project you can receive an email to notify you. You will receive emails for any tasks or milestones you have completed and/or assigned to that have been completed.
  • Receive 'Added as a follower' emails - If a project user has added you as a follower on a project item you will receive a notification email.
  • Play a sounds when I receive a reminder or alert? - A sound will play when either of these options occur.
  • Receive daily 'Project Report' email - This will send you a report of the activities that have taken place on your project. You can choose to send today's report directly from here.
    • Send email even if I have nothing outstanding or due? - Choose to receive an email if wanted.
    • Also send email at the weekend? - Send an email update on weekends as well as the normal weekdays.
    • How would you like tasks to be sorted in the Daily Report? - By project or by date.
    • Which events would you like included? - All events or only events you are attending. 
    • How many days would you like to include upcoming tasks for? - This allows you to decide how far in advance you would like to see tasks.
    • What time do you want to receive the report? - You can choose any time on an hourly basis.
  • Show only notifications for items I'm following - By enabling this you can show only notifications on items you are following.
    • Note: This is not related to calendar events.
  • Receive status update emails - When a user on your site updates their status you can be notified.
  • Alert me when i forget to notify people when I comment - When saving a comment, if you have not added a user to notify you will be prompted to do so.
  • Editing: Use markdown for messages and comments - Enable markdown editing rather than WYSIWYG editing.
    • Enter time log duration in shorthand - For example, you can use 1.5, 1:30 to enter the time for 1 hour 30 minutes.

Editing other users' preferences

Site administrators, project administrators, and users with permission to manage people and companies can update the preferences of other users.

Note: Project administrators can only edit the preferences of users on the project(s) where they are an administrator.

To do this, navigate to the People section of your site. Click the More option from the main navigation and and select People from the dropdown menu. 

From the people area, select the People tab from the horizontal menu. 

Project administrators will need to go to the relevant project and select the People tab there.

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Click the three dots to the right of the relevant user and select Edit Profile.

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In the user details modal, select the Preferences tab.

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Notifications & emails

  • Receive notifications for their events only - By enabling this you can show only notifications on your items and those you're following.
    • Note: This is not related to calendar events.
  • Receive status update emails from this user.
  • Alert the user if they forget to notify people when they comment - If this user has not notified anyone when commenting you can ensure they are notified of this before posting.
  • Receive daily 'Project Report' email - Choose whether this user should receive a daily report.
  • Receive task/milestone completed emails - Enabling this for a user will ensure they receive an email when a task or milestone is completed.
  • Receive 'Added as a follower' emails - If you add this user as a follower to any item on a project they will receive an email.
  • Play a sound when the user receives a reminder or alert? - A sound will play when either of these occur.
  • Editing:
    • Use 'Markdown' for messages and comments - Enable markdown for this user when they are composing messages and comment.
    • Enter time log duration in shorthand - Gives the user the option to enter time logs as 1.5, 1:30 for 1 hour 30 minutes.
For more information, see: Adding People to a Project