Visual Studio Code is a code editor optimized for building and debugging web and cloud based applications.
Within Visual Studio Code, you can
install the extension to
interact with your projects and tasks.
Open Visual Studio
Code on your computer and select
the extensions option from the left sidebar.
Alternatively, press shift + command + x on your keyboard.
In the extensions marketplace, search for Teamwork. You can then select the install option beside the extension.

Once installed, you will see a icon in the left navigation menu.

To link a account to the extension, click the Please login first message. You will be redirected to the login launchpad in your browser where you can enter the email address and password for your account. If you have multiple accounts associated with the email address, you will be prompted to select one.

Once you log in and select the relevant account, you will need to grant permission for the extension to access your site. Clicking Allow will prompt the browser to ask to open Visual Studio Code.
In Visual Studio Code, the extension will be updated with an option to select a project for repository. If you are not seeing this after authenticating your account, click the refresh arrow at the top of the pane.
If you do not yet have any folders or files created in Visual Studio Code, you will receive an error when attempting to click the Select Project for Repository option.

Uninstalling the extension
To uninstall the extension, go to the Extensions tab in VSCode.
Teamwork will appear in your list of installed extensions. Click the settings cog beside the extension and select Uninstall.

For more information, see: Using the Visual Studio Code Extension