Within Teamwork.com.com, you can filter the items that are displayed in your activity feed.

In the Home area of your site, select the Activity tab from the horizontal navigation menu.

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Click the filters button in the top right to open the filters pane.

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Choose which project(s) you want to include in the activity feed.

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Item Type

You can select which project item types to include in your activity feed, such as tasks and task lists. You can also select all items to include everything.

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Select a date range for your activity feed, such as anytime, today, this week, or last month.

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Filter the activity to specific users.

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In the Options section, you can choose whether to:

  • Show starred projects only
  • Hide projects where you are an observer
  • Show only projects where you are a member

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Reordering filters

You can customize the order of the filters in the filters pane by dragging and dropping them to another position.

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Saving filters

You can choose to save a filter you have created for use at a later time. Once saved, it will appear in the Saved Filters tab of the filters pane.

Clicking a saved filter will highlight it and apply it to the activity view.

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When a filter is applied, you will see it noted at the top of the page. You can also change quickly between your saved filters by clicking the currently active filter name and selecting another from the dropdown.

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Note: Saved filters are available on paid Teamwork.com.com subscriptions.

For more information, see: Viewing Activity for Your Site