✔️  Available on all subscriptions.

Connect your profile to the Teamwork.com Chrome extension, then create items in your projects or log time as you work across different sites.
  • Ensure things don't fall through the cracks by creating work in real time.
  • Save time by not having to jump directly to Teamwork.com each time you need to do something project related.
  • Site adminsstandard usersclient users, and collaborators.
    🔑 The options available in the Chrome extension depend on your Teamwork.com profile and project permissions.
You want to be able to create project items or log time as you work without needing to be directly in Teamwork.com at all times.
Connect your profile to the Teamwork.com Chrome extension, then create items in your projects or log time as you work across different sites.
  • Ensure things don't fall through the cracks by creating work in real time.
  • Save time by not having to jump directly to Teamwork.com each time you need to do something project related.
  • Site adminsstandard usersclient users, and collaborators.
    🔑 The options available in the Chrome extension depend on your Teamwork.com profile and project permissions.
You want to be able to create project items or log time as you work without needing to be directly in Teamwork.com at all times.

Install the Teamwork.com Chrome extension

  1. Navigate to the Teamwork.com extension in the Chrome web store.
  2. Click Add to Chrome.

    Image Placeholder
  3. Click Add extension.

The extension is installed in your browser and can be accessed by clicking the Teamwork.com icon (Image Placeholder) on the address bar's right. It may be listed under the main extensions menu (Image Placeholder).

Image Placeholder

Connect your Teamwork.com account

  1. Click the Teamwork.com icon (Image Placeholder) in your Chrome toolbar.
  2. Select the settings cog in the menu's top right.
  3. Click Add account.

    Image Placeholder
  4. Enter your Teamwork.com login credentials.
  5. Click Log in.
  6. Select the site you want to connect to. This step is only applicable if your email address has an account on more than one Teamwork.com site.

💡 Have profiles on multiple Teamwork.com sites? Repeat the steps above to add any additional accounts you want to use with the extension.

Use the Chrome extension

Once your Teamwork.com account has been authenticated you can use the extension to create project items.
🔑 The options available in the Chrome extension depend on your Teamwork.com profile and project permissions.

Create a task

  1. Click the Teamwork.com icon () in your Chrome toolbar.
  2. Select Create task.
  3. Choose a project and task list the task should be added to.
  4. Enter a task name.

    Image Placeholder
  5. Fill out any additional task details you need (ex. assignee, dates, privacy, priority). This step is optional — focus on what's most relevant to you.
  6. Check the Include a link to the current page box to include a link in the task description to the webpage you're currently viewing.
  7. Click Create Task.

Create a project

  1. Click the Teamwork.com icon () in your Chrome toolbar.
  2. Select Create project.
  3. Enter a project name.
  4. Assign the project to a company in your Teamwork.com site.

    Image Placeholder
  5. Add any additional project details you need (description, project category, start and end dates).
  6. Click Create project.

Log time

  1. Click the Teamwork.com icon () in your Chrome toolbar.
  2. Choose an option:
    1. Log time: Click Log time to create a time entry manually.
      1. Fill out the time entry's details, then click Log time.
    2. Start timer: Press the play button to start tracking time as you work. To log the timer's tracked time, click Log time. The time log duration automatically populates with the timer's tracked time.
      1. Update the time entry's details, then click Log time.

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Manage settings

  1. Click the Teamwork.com icon () in your Chrome toolbar.
  2. Select the settings cog in the menu's top right.
  3. Check the box on the left of each option you want to use:
    1. Return only starred projects.
    2. Show completed task lists and tasks.
    3. Set time to billable by default.

Disconnect your Teamwork.com account 

Disconnect a synced Teamwork.com account from the Chrome extension at any time.

  1. Click the Teamwork.com icon () in your Chrome toolbar.
  2. Select the settings cog in the menu's top right.
  3. Hover over the account you want to remove.
  4. Click the trash can on the account's right.