Within Teamwork CRM, you can duplicate existing leads and opportunities on your site.
To duplicate a lead or opportunity, select the deal from the associated pipeline.
From the deal's details view, click the options menu (three dots) to the right of the deal name and select Duplicate from the dropdown menu.

Once selected, the deal will be duplicated immediately and you will automatically be taken to the new deal.
The deal name will be appended with (Copy). If multiple copies of the same deal are created, a number will also be added to the name.

When duplicating a deal, copied deal details include:
- Deal name
- Pipeline
- Stage
- Expected close date
- Value
- Products
- Contacts
- Company
- Owner
- Custom Fields
- Linked Project
When duplicating a deal, the deal creator will update to the user duplicating the deal. The date created will also update to the date the deal has been duplicated.
Note: Duplicates will not carry over any deal notes, activities or files. Linked projects are also not carried over to the copied versions.
For more information, see: Duplicating a Contact