Within Teamwork CRM, you can generate and manage your API keys in your personal settings.

Your API key is a code you can type into certain products to allow the third-party product access your Teamwork data.

Generate an API key

  1. Click your profile icon in Teamwork CRM's main navigation menu.
  2. Select Settings.

  3. Click Personal in the left navigation menu.

  4. Scroll to API keys.
  5. Click Generate API key.
  6. Enter a name for the key. This can be a helpful reference for the key's intended purpose, ex. a specific 3rd-party platform.

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  7. Set a valid-until date. This is optional but allows you to set an expiration date if you don't want to leave the key open-ended.
  8. Click Save.

The API key is generated and listed in your personal settings' API keys section.

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Manage API keys

  1. Click your profile icon in Teamwork CRM's main navigation menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click Personal in the left navigation menu.
  4. Scroll to API keys.
  5. Next:
    1. Click the paper icon on a key's right to copy the API key to your clipboard.
    2. Click the vertical ellipsis (three dots) on a key's right to:
      1. Regenerate the key.
      2. Revoke the key.
        💡 Select Revoke all in the API keys section's top right to bulk revoke all existing keys.

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For more information, see: Updating Your Personal Details