Within Teamwork CRM, you can add notes to your leads, opportunities, contacts, and companies.
Select the area of the site you would like to add a note to, such as Leads or Opportunities.

For leads and opportunities, select the relevant deal card to view the deal. For people, select the name of the contact or company from their relevant People subsection.
The profile view for the selected deal, contact, or company will open. To the right of the details pane, you will see a timeline of the previous and scheduled items associated with contact or deal.
Select Add note from the options at the top of the timeline.

The text area for adding notes supports the addition of links.
Notes have an inbuilt auto-save function. If you navigate away from the page without clicking Save, the draft note will be visible the next time you return to that page.
Note: This is saved per device/browser, and will only be kept for 28 days.
Collapsing and expanding notes
By default, notes with longer content in a deal's activity timeline will be displayed in collapsed form.
To expand the note, click the Read more link at the bottom of the note. Once the note is in full view, you can click Read less to collapse it again.

Pinning notes
When creating a note, you have the ability to pin the note. Select the Pin checkbox at the bottom of the note area before saving.

When you pin a note, it will be added to a Pinned section above the Past items timeline. To unpin a note, select the three dots to the right of the note and choose Unpin. You can also click on the pin icon to pin or unpin a note.

Existing notes can also be pinned, edited, or deleted via the options menu (three dots) or via the pin icon n the top right corner of the note.

For more information, see: Adding a File