Within Teamwork CRM, you can use velocity reports to monitor the speed at which deals are moving through stages and pipelines.
The velocity report will display the average time it takes for closed deals to go through the stages of a pipeline, and allows you to compare owners or stages versus number of days.
Note: This duration will be tracked in calendar days rather than business days.
The velocity reports are located within the Company subsection of the Reports area.

You can select to view the leads or opportunities velocity report from the left navigation pane.

The report is based on closed deals, meaning only leads or opportunities that were qualified/won or lost during the selected timeframe will be included.
- Deals closed before or after the selected timeframe will not be counted.
- Only the history of a deal that occurs during the selected timeframe will be shown for each deal.
- A deal cannot be represented in each stage more than once. If a lead has moved to a stage more than once, the total number of days it was in the stage will be shown in a single entry.
The vertical (y) axis of the chart will represent owners or stages depending on your filtered selection. The horizontal (x) axis will reflect days.

At the top of the report area, you can use the dropdown filters to customize which information to include.
- Owners/Stages - if Owners is selected, the bars will be divided into stages. If Stages is selected, you will have an additional option to show Everyone or an individual owner.
- All closed, qualified, or lost leads/opportunities.
- Pipelines - you can only select one at a time.
- Time - pick from default or custom timeframes.
When filtered to owners, the table columns below the chart will include:
- Owner
- Days in each stage - a separate column for each stage of the selected pipeline will be shown, indicating the total number of days spent in each.
- Days to close:
- Leads - days to qualify or lose.
- Opportunities - days to win or lose.
When filtered to stages, the table columns below the chart will include:
- Stage
- All - average number of days deals spend in the stage, and the number of (now closed) deals that passed through this stage.
- Qualified / Won
- Lost
Using the download button in the top right, you can also export the velocity reports in Excel format.

For more information, see: Using Company Reports