You have just been added to Teamwork Chat, so let's get you set up so you can communicate with your team!

We're here to help you streamline your team communication and take collaboration to a whole new level. 

Instantly connect with your team members to ensure all of your important work gets covered.
◑  Configuring your user profile
◑  Customizing your notification preferences
◑  Understanding conversations and channels
◑  Creating a conversation or channel

Configuring your user profile

Adding a profile photo along with your personal details will personalize your profile and help your team connect with you.

Click your profile avatar in the top right of your Teamwork Chat account and select Profile from the dropdown menu.

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This will redirect you to the settings area where you will be able to add your personal information.

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Select the Upload new button to add a custom profile photo to Chat. This photo can be a GIF, PNG, or JPG file.

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The selected photo will automatically be resized to a height and width of 200px. Alternatively, select the Take a photo option to open your camera.

Your personal details can also be added here, including:

  • Name
  • Title - your role in the company.
  • Handle - the @mention command other users would use to message you.
  • Mobile
  • Website
  • Social channels
Once you are happy with your profile information, click Save at the bottom of the page. 

Customizing your notification preferences

In your profile settings, you also have access to a Notifications tab where you can customize which types of messages you want to receive notifications for.

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Let's take a look at the options you have available and what these can do for you:

Notification Options
All Messages
Receive notifications for any message that is posted to a conversation or channel you are a member off.
All mentions @handle @all, @online
Receive notifications when an @command is used.
Only @handle mentions
Receive notifications when another user mentions you in a conversation or channel.
No messages
Disable all notifications.
Set notifications for specific channels
Customize notifications for each individual channel you are in.
Notification sounds
Toggle off to mute the sound alert on all messages received from other users. Desktop notifications will still be sent, minus the sound.
Email notifications
Receive email notifications for messages via email when marked away and not active in Chat.
Send email or push notifications when online
Disabling will mute the sound alert on all messages received from other users. Desktop notifications will still be sent however sound alerts will become muted.
Notification sound
Choose a custom notification sound for alerts received from Teamwork Chat

When you select the Set notifications for specific channels option, a new window will pop up allowing you to customize your preferences on an individual channel basis.

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At the top of the window, you can search existing channels, filter to certain channel types, or show only channels with custom settings.

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A few quick notes on what you can do on your site:

  • Create new conversations and channels.
  • As the creator of a channel, you can add and remove people from that channel. 
  • Be made an administrator by existing administrator.
    • Administrators can add and remove people from any channel.

Understanding conversations and channels

Let's explore conversations and channels so you can start interacting with your team!

Most often, you will use conversations for direct one-to-one communications with another user. They can also be used for quick interactions with one or multiple people. An example of this would be checking in with your team about where to go for lunch.

Channels are designed to be used over an extended period of time - a central location for an ongoing topic of discussion. Once you turn a conversation into a channel by giving it a title, you give it more significance.
For example, you might create channels for each team in your company so they have a place to discuss important issues on a regular basis. You could also create a channel for something like company events.

Creating a conversation
To create a conversation, click the + button in the top right of your site and select Add conversation from the quick add menu.

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You can then create a conversation with one or more users by using their Teamwork Chat handles.

Typing @ will open a list of available users you can interact with. Start typing immediately after the @ to refine the list and find the relevant team member.

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When you mention multiple people, a conversation will be created with those selected users.

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Once you have typed your message, click the send arrow to the right of the message field or press Enter on your keyboard.

You can also create new conversations using the icon at the top of your Recent conversations sidebar in the Home area of your Teamwork Chat site.

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Alternatively, clicking a user's name in the site-level People area will open a direct conversation with that person.

Creating a channel
The quick add menu at the top of your site also includes an option to Add channel.

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Using channels, you can give your discussion a meaningful name so that your team members can easily find and identify it. An extra layer to the channel function is the ability to connect a channel to an existing project in your Teamwork site.

At the top of the channel window, select the relevant channel type:

  • Public - a channel that is discoverable for users to join themselves.
  • Private - a channel that is hidden from those not in it. Users need to be added by an admin of the channel.
  • Linked to Teamwork Project - link the channel to a project in Teamwork.
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After choosing a name and description for the channel, you can customize it further by selecting a channel avatar color and icon.

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At the bottom of the window, you can add the relevant users to the channel. For public channels, you will also have the option to add new users to the channel automatically in the future.

When the project channel option is selected, a project dropdown will be displayed. Here, you can choose from a list of your existing projects to connect to the channel. Project channel names and descriptions are inherited from their project.

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By default, all members of the project you choose will be added to the channel automatically.

Now that you have completed the introduction to Teamwork Chat for owner company users, you can easily take the following actions on your site:
Configuring your user profile
✓  Add a profile photo
✓  Choose your handle name
✓  Provide links to your social media accounts
Customizing your notification preferences
✓  Choose your global notification preferences
✓  Set notification preferences for an individual channel
Understanding conversations and channels
✓  Understand the differences between conversations and channels
Creating a conversation or channel
✓  Create a conversation
✓  Create a channel
✓  Link a channel to an existing Teamwork project