Within Teamwork.com, project statuses are used to group your projects based on where they are in their current timeline.

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All projects you have access to, excluding archived projects.
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Any projects that are active, but not late or completed. Archived projects are excluded.
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Any project that has gone passed its due date and is not yet marked as complete, and still contain active items.
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Any project that has a start date later than today's date.
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Any project that has been marked as complete.
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Any project has been archived.

Select the Projects option from the main navigation menu on the left of your site and go to the List subsection.

Note: Site administrators will be able to see all projects in the site, even if they aren't a member.

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Click the status dropdown in the top right to switch between the different project statuses. Each status will also show a count of the total number of your projects currently within that status.

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When you switch between project statuses, the category counts in the left navigation pane will update to reflect the number of projects matching the selected status within each category.

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For more information, see: Viewing Projects in the Project Chart