Within Teamwork.com, you can utilize a variety of options and settings for each task list on your project.

The task list options dropdown is available in any area of Teamwork.com where you can view tasks in Table or List view grouped by task list, such as Project > TableProject > List or Everything > Tasks > List.

Click the options button (three dots) to the right of the relevant task list name.

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When viewing an individual task list, the options button is located in the top right of the view.

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Task list options

Edit List - edit the properties of the the task list that were set when the list was first created.

Move or Copy - move the task list to another project - moves the list exactly as it is, including files and comments on the tasks within the task list.

  • Copying gives the same options as moving, but also allows you to include the completed tasks and make them active again.
    • Comments are not added when copying a task list.
    • Task lists can also be copied to the same list.

Delete List - all deleted items are available in the project's trash can for 30 days.

Reorder Tasks by - reorder the tasks within the task list.

  • You can reorder by start date, due date, date created, person responsible, priority, task name, or estimated time.
  • Notes 
    • This is not an individual user setting and will update the task order for all other users on the project. All new tasks added after the sort has taken place will be added to the bottom of the task list so it will need to be sorted again to include these in order.
    • This option is only available in List view. In Table view, you can instead sort the tasks within a task list via column sorting. Clicking a column will sort the tasks based on that property.

Reports - run reports specifically for that task list.

  • Choose from a time report or a task list report.

Bulk Edit Tasks - bulk modify, move, copy, complete, or delete tasks in the list.

  • When you choose the modify option, you can update different task properties for the tasks such as assignee, dates, priority, and tags.

Quickly Add Tasks - add multiple tasks, one per line. You can also choose to assign those tasks to a person, choose a start date, a due date, and select whether to notify the user.

Post Tasks via Email - email tasks directly to the task list.

Pin this List pinning the list will keep it visible in the project's List area even when all tasks have been completed or the list doesn't have any tasks.

Templates - add tasks to the list from an existing task list template, save that particular task list as a new template, or manage all templates.

  • Site administrators will have automatic access to task list templates. The Can this user manage task templates? permission would need to be enabled for normal users.
For more information, see: Using Task List Templates