Within the Teamwork.com Beta Program, you can enable custom table views to add an additional table-style view for different areas of your site.

Enabling custom table views

Click your profile icon in the bottom left corner of your site and select Settings from the dropdown menu.


Note: Only owner company site administrators can access the site settings to manage the Beta Program.

In the settings area, select the Beta Program tab and scroll to the option for Custom Table Views.

Toggle the switch on the left to enable the feature. Using the dropdown on the right, you can also choose whether to enable it for all users on your site, or only members of your owner company.

Once enabled in the Beta Program, you will be able to access custom table views in various areas of your site:

  • Home > My projects
  • Projects area (List view)
  • Everything > Tasks
  • Everything > Completed tasks
  • Profile > Projects
  • Profile > Tasks
  • Profile > Completed

Switching to table view

In supported areas where switching views is available, click the view field in the top right and select Table from the dropdown.

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The view will update to display the relevant information in a table form, with each item on a different line and separate columns for each property.

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Customizing a table view

With custom table views, you can choose which columns to display. The column options will vary depending on which area of the site you are in.

Once you have table view selected, you will see a manage option to the right of the table header. This will open a dropdown where you can toggle on and off individual property columns.

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For projects, the Last Updated column refers to activities performed across the project, while the Last Worked On column refers to activities performed by the logged in user. If no supported activity has occurred on a project, the field value will display as Not Set.

Click More options at the bottom of the dropdown to open the full customization modal. You can use the checkboxes on the left to show and hide different properties related to the item. The selected options will appear on the right where you can drag to reorder them.

Note: The Options column cannot be reordered in the table and will remain fixed to the right of the table.

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For projects and tasks, you can also select existing custom fields to be displayed as columns in the table. In the Customize View modal, scroll to the bottom of the properties list on the left to access the custom fields.

Note: Custom fields are available on per-user Premium/Grow subscriptions and above.

Click Update to save your changes to the table view.

Saving table view customizations

When table view is active in an area, you can save the customization you have currently set. Click the view dropdown and select the three dots to the right of the Table option before clicking Save.

Note: Saved views are not supported for tasks Table view on a project or in people and teams related areas.

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When you click Save, a pop-up modal will open where you can name the view and give it a description. You can also share the view with other users via the Share tab.

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The custom view will be added to the views dropdown, allowing you to toggle to it at any time.

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Any users the custom view is shared with will automatically be able to access it in the view dropdown.

For each saved custom view you create, you can access additional options via the three dots to the right of the view name.

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These options include:

  • Customize - update the selected columns and where they display in the table.
  • Edit - update the view name, description, and who it is shared with.
  • Make a copy - create a new saved view based on the existing one.
  • Delete - delete the saved view.

Note: For views that have been shared with you, you will only see the option to make a copy.

Scrolling table view

Depending on how many columns you have enabled for a table view, a horizontal scrollbar will be displayed allowing you to scroll to view the remaining columns.

Note: The name column will remain fixed to the left of the table while the remaining columns are scrollable.

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Managing items in table view

To edit a task while in table view, hover over the task and click the edit pencil to the right of the task name.

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To access the task options menu for a task, click the three dots on the right-hand side of the task row.

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When viewing one of the supported projects areas, you can access the project options menu by clicking the three dots at the end of the relevant project row.

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For more information, see: Teamwork.com Beta Program