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Add links to your project to store relevant resources in one easy-to-access place. 
  • Centralize all project-related links in one place so people know where to look.
  • Site admins and project admins
  • Standard users and client users with the project permission:
    • Add Links (allows the user to create and manage links)
Use links if you have a URL for information that is relevant to a project and a helpful resource for your team.
Add links to your project to store relevant resources in one easy-to-access place. 
  • Centralize all project-related links in one place so people know where to look.
  • Site admins and project admins
  • Standard users and client users with the project permission:
    • Add Links (allows the user to create and manage links)
Use links if you have a URL for information that is relevant to a project and a helpful resource for your team.

Before you start

Have the URL ready to copy and paste into your project, in full URL or short link format.

Add a link

  1. Click Jump to in the left navigation menu on on your site.
  2. Search for and select a project.

    Image Placeholder

  3. Switch to the Links view from the project navigation menu. The Links tab might be hidden under the More... section.
  4. Click + Add a Link to open the link creation window.
  5. Add a name for your link. We suggest something that easily identifies your link.
  6. Paste the URL into the Link field.

  7. Add some details about the link in the Description area. This is optional, but a brief description will make it easier to know what the link is about.
  8. Next:
    1. Stop there: Click Add Link to save it to the project.
      1. The link is immediately added to the project's Links section. Want to add multiple links? Simply repeat the steps for each link.

    2. Level up: Add additional details link properties (see the table below).

Link options

This is the link's name that will show up on the Links tab.
Add a URL or short link.
Include descriptive text relating to the link (or when to use it). It will be displayed under the link's title.
Restrict link access to relevant stakeholders.
Choose whether to send an email notification to specific project members about the new link.

You'll find this option in the Privacy tab of the link creation window.
Organize the link by adding it to a category.

You'll find this option in the Advanced tab of the link creation window.
Link window size
For links using supported code such as iFrame, the link will open in an embedded window in Teamwork.com when clicked.

This option allows you to adjust the embedded display size.

You'll find this option in the Advanced tab of the link creation window.
Apply tags to the link for further classification.
This is the link's name that will show up on the Links tab.
Add a URL or short link.

You can also use iFrame code here.
Include descriptive text relating to the link (or when to use it). It will be displayed under the link's title.
Restrict link access to relevant stakeholders.
Choose whether to send an email notification to specific project members about the new link.

You'll find this option in the Privacy tab of the link creation window.
Organize the link by adding it to a category.

You'll find this option in the Advanced tab of the link creation window.
Link window size
For links using supported code such as iFrame, the link will open in an embedded window in Teamwork.com when clicked.

This option allows you to adjust the embedded display size.

You'll find this option in the Advanced tab of the link creation window.
Apply tags to the link for further classification.

Access existing links

View any existing project links from the Links section of a project.

  1. Click Jump to in the left navigation menu on your site.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the Links view from the project navigation bar. The Links tab might be hidden under the More... section.
    Image Placeholder
  4. Click Details to open the link details view.
  5. Click a link name to open the linked resource. URL links will open in a new browser window. Embed links such as iFrame will open in an embedded window in Teamwork.com.

Edit and delete links

Manage existing project links from the Links section of a project.

  1. Click Jump to in the left navigation menu on your site.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the Links view from the project navigation bar to view the project's current links. The Links tab might be hidden under the More... section.
    Image Placeholder
  4. Select the relevant option below the link's name:
    1. Move or copy - move the link to another project, or make a copy of it.
    2. Edit - update the link's properties (title, URL, description, privacy, category, or tags.)
    3. Delete - delete the link from the project.
    4. Add tag - apply a tag to the link.
    5. Quick view - open a quick view to see the link details.
    6. Add comment - add a comment to the link.

Best practices

  • Keep it relevant: Links are a valuable resource — they're meant to be related to the project as a whole so focus on adding links that your team will find valuable while working on this project. If you have links that are particularly relevant to a task or task list, include them in the task or task list description for easier access.
  • Embed resources: Use links to embed resources such as YouTube videos to your project. These kinds of links will open in a pop-up window directly in the project.