Within Teamwork.com, you can edit the name of your projects in a number of ways.

Note: Only project administrators and above have permission to update the name of a project.

Select the Projects option from the main navigation menu on the left of your site and go to the List subsection.

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In the projects List view, hover over the relevant project and click the options button (three dots) to the right of the project row. In the pop-up menu, select Edit project details in the Manage Project subsection.

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In the Edit a Project modal, you can update the project name in the Details step.

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You can also edit the project name in the Chart section of the Planning area.

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Hover over the name of the project and click the options button (three dots). Select the Edit project details option from the Manage Project subsection of the pop-out menu.

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You can also access the project options menu when viewing an individual project by clicking the three dots to the right of the project name.

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The project name can also be updated via the General subsection of the project's settings.

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Hover over the Project Name field and click the edit pencil.

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For more information, see: Changing General Project Settings