Within Teamwork Desk, you can use the Data Viewer integration to pull data from other sources and display it on tickets.

The Data Viewer is designed to allow you to fetch data from remote systems and display that data in Desk. You can make calls to open and authenticated JSON APIs and use a template to format how the response will look.

Click your profile icon and select Settings from the dropdown menu.

Go to the Integrations subsection of the site settings and click the Desk Data Viewer option.

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Click the green Install button in the top right of the Desk Data Viewer area to enable the integration.

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Hover over each of the required setting fields and click the edit pencil to add the relevant information. You can also fill out any of the optional fields.

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  • Method (required) - use any of the HTTP methods.
  • URL (required) - this should be the HTTP endpoint of your API.
  • Body - the body content that will be sent. You can use replacement keys here to insert Desk data (e.g. the ticket ID you are currently viewing).
    • This field is optional and is most commonly used with POST, PUT, or PATCH methods.
    ticketId: ${ticket.id}
  • Query - the URL query string that will be appended to the URL setting value. You can also use replacement keys to insert Desk data (e.g. the customer email associated with a ticket you are currently viewing).
  • person_email=${ticket.customer.email}
    • Replacement values (e.g. ${ticket.customer.email}) can be tested using the example Desk data in the Template editor below.
  • Scheme - the authentication scheme required by your API.
    • For open APIs that do not need any authentication headers, you can leave this field blank.
    • Currently supported schemes: basic and bearer.
    • Note: OAuth is currently not a supported scheme for the Desk Data Viewer integration.
  • Username - used if the selected scheme value is basic.
  • Password - used if the selected scheme value is basic.
  • Token - used if the selected scheme value is bearer.
  • Label - the label for your data when displayed in the ticket details panel to the right of an individual ticket.
    • If you choose to open the data viewer in a modal (Display settings), this label will be used as the button text.

Uninstalling the Desk Data Viewer integration

To uninstall the integration, go to the Desk Data Viewer section of your Integrations settings and click Uninstall.

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For more information, see: Testing Your Desk Data Viewer Settings