is an automation tool that enables you to connect your cloud applications and automate your business processes via the use of bots. will be removed as a product offering from October 31, 2022. 

Existing accounts can continue to use until that point, however new accounts can no longer be set up.

Within, you can connect to your Teamwork account in order to create simple or multi-step automation processes with other third party applications.

Go to the Apps tab and click the icon in the top right.

Using the search field, you can search for Teamwork in the list of available apps. Once located, click the Teamwork tile to add it to your apps list.

A new pop-up window will open where you will need to provide your Teamwork site credentials.

Click Validate to proceed and authenticate your credentials.

Once validated, click Save to add Teamwork to your apps list.

For more information, see: Using the Integration