Zapier allows you to integrate a range of different web applications by performing actions in one app when a specific event occurs in another.

Within Zapier, you can create project items on your site using triggers. 

By creating zaps, when a trigger happens in one app, Zapier will automatically perform the actions specified in the other app to automate your workflow.

You will first need to connect your and Zapier accounts.

Once the connection has been set up, you can start creating zaps by hovering over the left navigation menu and selecting Make a Zap.

Creating the trigger

You will first need to choose a trigger app. Click one of your already connected apps, or search for another app using the search field at the top.

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When creating a Zap, the trigger and action apps do not have to be the same.

Once the trigger app is selected, you can choose which trigger you want to use. In this example, Teamwork Desk will be the trigger app, with the trigger event being whenever a new ticket is created.

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You will then need to select an existing connected account or add a new account for the chosen app. Once authorized, you can then customize the properties based on the trigger selected.

The last step will be to test the connection for the trigger. Once the test is completed successfully, you can continue to create the action for the Zap.

Creating the action

When creating the action, you can choose the same app again or search for another app.

When using Teamwork as the action app, you can set actions such as creating a time entry on a project, or creating a new project, message or task.

In this example, Teamwork is selected as the action app, with the action being to create a task.

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As with the trigger app, you will need to select which account you want to run the action on.

You can then enter the properties for the action item, as well as select the project (and task list if relevant), to add the item to. Once you have entered the required details, you can review the action and also send a test to

When the setup is complete, you can name your Zap and turn it on.

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In the above example, the zap is set up to automatically create a task in each time a new ticket is added to a specific inbox in Teamwork Desk.

For more information, see: Zap Options