Within Teamwork Desk, you can bulk merge multiple tickets from the same customer.

When viewing a list of tickets on your site in an inbox view or in search results, use the checkboxes to the left to select each relevant ticket. Once selected, click the Merge Ticket option from the bulk actions toolbar at the top of the list.

Note: The merge option will only appear when at least two tickets are selected.

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A pop-up modal will open detailing other tickets received from the same customer's email address.

If the tickets you have selected are associated with different customers, you will see an error message that the chosen tickets cannot be merged.

In the Merge Tickets modal, you will see the subject, assigned agent, ticket ID, created date, ticket status, and updated date for each ticket.

You will need to choose which of the selected tickets should be used as the primary ticket going forward. The remaining selected tickets will then be merged into that ticket.

Use the checkbox to the left of the relevant ticket to select it, then click Confirm to proceed with the merge.

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An additional confirmation modal will open asking you to confirm the merge. Click Merge Tickets to complete the process. 

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  • Merging tickets cannot be undone.
  • Archived tickets cannot be merged.
  • Tickets being merged must be from the same customer.
  • Any drafts or replies currently being worked on in the selected ticket(s) will be lost when the tickets are merged.
  • Any CC addresses already included in the original tickets will be maintained when the tickets are merged.
  • Child tickets (created by forwarding an existing ticket) cannot be merged.
  • Only the custom field data on the primary ticket will be retained once the tickets are merged. All other custom field information will be lost. Custom fields are available on Premium subscriptions and above.
  • If an agent attempts to access the URL of a ticket that has subsequently been merged into another, the URL will redirect them to the other ticket.
  • Teamwork Desk limits for tickets and attachments also apply when merging tickets into a single thread.

For more information, see: Bulk Edit Options